kmV's Mold Cavity ID Tracking
Real-time Cavity ID Tracking
Do quality issues keep you up at night?
The iSight Lightning's Mold Cavity ID Tracking and Data Correlation package can give you greater insight into your processes and product quality than ever before.
Measurements, defects and even container weight are all tied back to each mold cavity in your process.
iSight Lightning’s real-time cavity ID tracking can identify the mold cavity ID on any size, color, and shape blow-molded container with the mold number located on the bottom of the container.
To truly understand your process, you need insights into the details. iSight Lightning’s Cavity ID tracking allows you to monitor and correct issues at the individual mold cavity. kmV’s Data Correlation pages give you real-time insights.
How Mold Tracking Can Optimize Your Manufacturing Process
Michael H. walks us through kmV's iSight Lightning's Mold Cavity ID tracking module and explains why it is a game changer for optimizing your production process!
Measurements, mold defects, and container weight can all be collected and tied back to a single mold cavity.
kmV’s Data Correlation package brings it all together – displaying thousands of data points into easy-to-read and act-on visuals.
Measurements and inspection results such as Neck and Opening Measurements, Contamination, Off-Center or Blown Gate, IML Label inspection -even container weight are collected, processed and displayed in clear graphs.
Why Use Mold Cavity ID Tracking?
Mold Cavity ID tracking offers unique and powerful insights into your bottle-blowing process. Every defect detected is charted and linked back to individual mold cavities. Our data correlation pages allow you to clearly identify which mold cavities cause yields to drop and why.
You can also Blacklist troubled molds so that containers originating from them are automatically rejected until the issues are resolved.